Used To Dry Cleaning? 4 Ways To Keep Your Clothes Cleaner For A Longer Time

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Used To Dry Cleaning? 4 Ways To Keep Your Clothes Cleaner For A Longer Time

Used To Dry Cleaning? 4 Ways To Keep Your Clothes Cleaner For A Longer Time

8 March 2016
, Blog

Certain clothes are just not meant to be cleaned, at least not through traditional methods. Dry cleaning is the alternative cleaning method for most clothes that have such a restriction. However, you can end up spending a considerable amount of money by getting dry cleaning services on a frequent basis. It is helpful to learn how to keep your clothes clean to minimize how much you need to rely on dry cleaning.

Make Use of Homemade Stain Removal

For most stains, you can just use stain remover and run the clothing item through the washing machine. However, you cannot do this with clothes that have to go to the dry cleaners. It is important to come up with alternatives, which you can make on your own with a few simple ingredients. Since most clothes that need dry cleaning are for business or formal events, you need to make sure that they stay clean and stain-free. Many common stains have simple solutions. For example, white vinegar removes coffee, lemon juice removes tea, and dish soap with white vinegar as a follow-up removes mud.

Wear an Absorbent Layer Underneath

Sweat is a major culprit for causing clothes to get dirty, requiring them to be dry cleaned sooner rather than later. Fortunately, you can easily prevent this by investing in an absorbent layer of clothing. You have a number of common options to choose from for the base layer, such as wool or cotton.

Bring an Outer Shell with You

The inside of your clothing can get dirty from sweat, but the outside is still exposed. You should bring an outer shell, like a coat, along with you, wherever you go. Make sure that the coat is water-resistant to keep snow and rain from seeping through to your clothes.

Avoid Using the Pockets

Although you may use your pockets without thinking twice, you should come up with alternative solutions to avoid using the pockets of your dry-clean-only clothing. Pens can break, phones can carry natural oils from your hands, and your wallet may not be as clean as you think it is. Keeping your personal belongings in your outer shell or in a bag can help you avoid dirtiness.

Dry cleaning may be a part of your life, but you should not have to rely on it so much. By following these methods, you can maximize the cleanliness of your clothes and save money at the same time. When it is time to dry clean your clothes, contact a Dry Cleaner in Calgary.

About Me
Updating Your Look With New Clothing

I have never been a big fan of trendy dressing, which is why I stopped shopping for nice, new clothes over a year ago. Instead of focusing on how I was going to look, I mostly paid attention to how warm I was and how comfortable I was. Unfortunately, this didn't do much for the first impression that I had with people, which was disappointing. I realized that I needed to update my look, so I started investing in better looking clothing. This blog is all about creating a better impression and learning to love your new style--even if you don't have a lot of style-sense.